Κυριακή 10 Ιουλίου 2011

Epirus is an Illyrian people, and not a people Helen.

It is known that, like all other non-Greek peoples of the Balkans and Illyria have used in their coins inscriptions in Greek characters. If today all the land of the Illyrians on the face only Greek and Latin inscriptions, this does not mean that the Illyrians were helenizuan and later romanizuan. If Epirotes would be Greek, as there would be reasons that the writer Helen, 58.Strab.VII Strabo, 328, handle as a part of Epeirotes bilingë, as people who speak two languages. Undoubtedly, there Strabo Whereas one of these languages ​​that use Epirotes, was Illyrian and other language was Greek, which was used in graffiti.
These residents, Epirotes therefore, had no connection with the Greeks and therefore of them are called barbarians of bilingë, not Greek. All these show that the population that was previously called Epirotic, was Illyrian. Danish geographer Malte Brun, author of one of the most authoritative geographical works of the XIX century, to which the botuari finished after his death, in his analysis of the geography of Strabo says: "Etolia Akarnania regarded by the Greeks and barbarians half" . In terms of Epirus all ancient Greek authors exclude from Greece. He is described by Strabo with Illyria and Macedonia. Its main tribes were the kaon, Thesprotia, Molosia. Strabo and Plutarch say Epirotes speak a particular language and that language is the same as Macedonian. Apparently, the Albanian language derives from its 59.Malte Brun, Precise universal de la geographi 0.1810 to 1829, Paris.
Even when speaking Pukëvili Etolinë Akarnaninë and notes that these countries, called his time in Albania and its inhabitants were called Albanian 60.Pouqueville, Travels in More, in Constantinople, Albania and elsewhere in the Ottoman Empire during the years 1798.1799 -1800 and 1801, Paris 1805. Ch.Brouchneri, the geographer of the King of England writes: "Albania is a European province of Turkey, which borders the north of Bosnia and Dalmatia, with Livadhianë south, east and Macedonia to Thesalinë 61.Ch.Brouchneri, Geographical Dictionary, Venice, 1770. Momsen historian Theodore in his monumental "History of Ancient Rome," calls "... Albanian warriors of ancient Epirus" 62.Teodor Momsen, History of Ancient Rome.
Greatest philosopher of his time, Aristotle's mbiquajturi of modern times, thanks to the comprehensive interests and major contributions made in different fields of knowledge. But the Albanians to see Leibnitz, as Erik Albanologue Hemp, a true scholar of linguistics early 63.EPHamp Albanian, OnLeibniz's Third New Letter, Zeitschrift fur Balkanologie, Je XVI / 1, 1981, fq.34-36, guide studies in our language, though he worked a century before the birth of comparative linguistics, with an extraordinary intuition, came first in a theory of the Illyrian origin of the Albanian language.
Leibniz's contribution in this area included the three letters he sent to Berlin the royal librarian, already known in the scientific world of Leibniz 64.M.Reiter Albanian letters, Leibnizen's Albanelbriefe, Zeitschrift fur BalkanologieJg.XVI, 1980, pp. 82-93.
In the first letter of 24 January 1705, he expressed the opinion that ;"... language of the ancient Illyrians could exist somewhere in Epirus "65.CVLajbnic, Albanerbrife, Hanover, January 24, 1705.
For Epirotes and language to Illyrian, as well expressed JGFHerder 66.JGHerdez Leibnitz, I Deen derMenschheit zur Geschichte, Leipzig, 1868, vol.III, fq.99, JETunman 67. JETunman, Researching the history of the peoples of Eastern Europe, Leipzig, 1774, which states: "The only people living in Epirus, not Greek, who spoke as the same, the Illyrian language." But such thinking also had 68.Franc Bop Bop F., Uber das Albanesisch in seinen Beziehungen verwandtschaftlichen, 1855, JRF Ksilander 69. Ksilander Fon J. Riter, language Albaneze or Albanians, Frankfurt am Main, 1835, JGF Han 70. JGFon Han, Albanesische Studien, Wien, 1854, JF Falmerajer 71. JFFalmerajer, Albanian element in Greece, Munchen, 1857, 72 T. Mommsen. T. Mommsen, History of Rome, Leipzig, 1932. "The history of ancient Rome, Rome, Turin 1904, vëll.II, Book IV, Chapter V, fq.142, 73.Paul Kreqmer P. Kretschmer, Einleitung in die Geschichte der griechischen Sprache (Introduction to the history of Greek language ), Göttingen, 1896, which says: For the whole group of these northern tribes from the borders of the province of Epirus, early on, at least since the time of Herodotus 74.P.Kretschmer, ibid. is the common name used Illyrians , or as called in ancient times, Hilirët 75.P. Kretschmer, Illyrian tribes, ibid..
This name comes probably from the south, from Illyrii proprie dicti (144.Male Plin.III-II-3) and later spread by the Greeks in all the tribes similar to that recognized during their northward progress 76.P . Kretschmer, Sprachliche Vorgeschichte des Balkans (Balkan Linguistic Prehistory), Revue Internationale des e'tudes balkaniquee, vol.II p.41-48 since 1935.
While Hansjërg Frëmmer 77.Hansjërg Frëmmer, Die Illyrer, Karlsruhe, 1988 in his book "The Illyrians", which he published in 1988, says: "Sharing the threesome of Illyria, as was the Romans after their victory over King Gent was reflected in the division of provinces, Diocletian Constantine, hinterland of Durres and Apollonia, which belongs to a longer time Rome, nova Epirus (Epirus Ri) was part of the diocese of Macedonia. But another rule of the territory King Gent, of Skadar as Prevalitana province, was part of the diocese of Dakisë. Both parts of the territory of ancient Illyria at the time of Augustus the provinces were in the Senate and once was divided empire were involved in the Greek "78.H . Frëmmer, ibid (dark years) 565-850.
Greek chauvinists to get their story based on the mythological story of the time Deukalionit 79.Deukalioni, Dictionary of Mythology, and Pyrrhic fq.57 80.Po there.

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